video performance (color, stereo, 00:17:30)
Kirschplantage, Weimar (DE)
Performers: Denise Lee, Lucia Gonzalez, Rand Ibrahim, Laura Leal, Leila Keivan, Jana Imo
Camera: Yavor Krasimirov Minchev, FangSheng Chou
Sound: Yavor Krasimirov Minchev, Ilija Đorđević
‘’Hydra’’ is a performative investigation, with the mission to master the individual female voices in the public space and dig into their unspoken, using the voice as a discipline in the discourse of personal agency and authenticity. The digging aims to dramatize the individual voices into a collective one – a matriarchal monumnetof voices in resistance to the personal and political landscapes - a contemporary tale.
As a many-voiced Hydra creature, the piece is a consequence of the two-months long process and voice workshops led by the artist, dealing with the autobiographies of the six female agents, their voices, tongues, and wombs.
2023 ‘’Hydra’’ was awarded as a “Most Successful Artist and Work”︎︎︎ at the 14th International Biennale of Young Artists at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Skopje (MKD)
The production of the ‘’Hydra’’ was kindly funded by the Frauenfonds and Diversitätfonds Weimar.
Photos: KulturHaus, Leipzig (DE), Museum of Contemporary Art Skopje (MKD
Screenshots from the video performance
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